More Unique Kimberley Species Discovered

The astonishing biodiversity of the Kimberley continues to be revealed – increasingly proving its ecological value not only for Australia but for the world.  This article was published in the June 10th edition of the Broome Advertiser. Kimberley species discovered by Ben Jones The Kimberley has proven a hotbed of undiscovered plant life after a recent trip by scientists from Kings Park led to the discovery of at least 10 new species in just six days. Kings Park scientists Matt and Russell Barrett made a field trip to a location near the Prince Regent River in March this year. The new species discovered included varieties of acacia, hibertia, melaleuca, boronia, spinifex, bush tomato and eucalyptus. Dr. Matt Barrett said the species had remained undiscovered for so long because of the inaccessible and remoteness of their location with the brothers braving wet season heat as well as crocodiles and snakes to collect samples of the plants. Some of the species now discovered only flower for a short period of each year meaning researchers have to time their trips to perfection to catch the plants in flower. Dr. Barrett said the team had managed to get flower samples of two rare species, on e which was discovered in 1821 and not seen again until 2001 when he and his brother rediscovered it. Scientists had discovered 1500 new species since the 1980s.

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