STK and TWS Press Ministers in Canberra

Representatives from the Wilderness Society, Save The Kimberley, and the Broome community recently went on a whirlwind trip to Canberra, meeting with numerous ministers and their staff. The following article from the Broome Advertiser followed-up their travels. Kimberley Case at Canberra by Amy Williams, 31 March, 2011 Save The Kimberley frontmen Neil McKenzie and Albert Wiggan returned from Canberra where they’ve been putting their case against the proposed gas hub at James Price Point. The pair returned as the comment period on the Strategic Assessment Report closed. Mr. McKenzie said they had met with Federal Minister for the Environment Tony Burke, who listened attentively to their concerns about the gas project. Mr. Burke will have the final decision on whether to give environmental approval to the project. “It seems Mr. Burke has come into this position without being heavily polluted by people telling him how he should be doing his job, so it could mean anything,” Mr. McKenzie said. “Hopeful? I guess that’s all we can have is a bit of hope and faith in what we’re doing to right the wrongs.” Mr. Burke told Mr. McKenzie and Mr. Wiggan that if the project was given the go-ahead it would be under extreme environmental conditions. Environs Kimberley director Martin Pritchard said after having discussions with the Federal environment department, he anticipated this decision being made late this year or even early next year.

  1. […] around the country and around the world continues to grow as public meetings and lobbying of Government and Business other activities continue to ramp […]

    Pingback by Indigenous people complain of ‘pressure’ in 60-40 support of gas hub, but the fight goes on. | Save The Kimberley on May 10, 2011 at 5:17 am

  2. […] Representatives from the Wilderness Society, Save The Kimberley, and Environs Kimberley recently wen… […]

    Pingback by Welcome to Save The Kimberley. | Save The Kimberley on June 17, 2011 at 3:01 am

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