Author Archives: admin

Walmadany concert for heritage says it in song

On Friday night 5,200 people gathered at Male Oval, Broome to hear from some of Australia’s most highly regarded musicians and the cream of local talent join together to say no to industrial development in the Kimberley.

Kimberley LNG hub talks hit snag as Aboriginals walk out

Negotiations over the State Government’s plans for a liquefied natural gas processing hub to be built at James Price Point in the Kimberley have hit an 11th-hour snag after Aboriginal representatives walked out of a meeting. The West Australian understands representatives of the site’s traditional owners abandoned the meeting last week after talks reached a […]

Kimberley Coast – Beautiful, unique & threatened

For more, visit

Save The Kimberley meeting in Sydney "Electric"

The first Save The Kimberley public meeting on the east coast of Australia was attended by around 100 people who filled the room and spilled out into adjoining corridors. People from across the Northern Beaches who have visited or lived in the Kimberley and some who had travelled from as far as Wollongong, 150 kms […]

The power, the passion, the Good Weekend

THE PROFILE of the Save The Kimberley campaign continues to grow. Today, it’s an article in the Good Weekend, which can be found in Fairfax newspapers across the country. The Good Weekend article clearly articulates the environmental, political and indigenous angles, presenting readers with a broad overview of the issue. THERE ARE ALTERNATIVES to bringing […]

Save The Kimberley public meeting Avalon, Sydney March 15

Please click on the title and send the link to this page to everyone you know in the Sydney area. The push to awaken the East Coast to the threat imposed by heavy industrial development in the Kimberley starts on March 15.

Is this a folk song for our children?

The forces of Federal Government, the WA State Government, some Local Government development cheerleaders and huge industrial concerns are pressing for the imposition of a Pilbara style industrialisation of the Kimberley on it’s people and environment. What you do about this in coming months will define you and your values.

Many pollies seek a little "Broome time"

If you’re wondering what’s going on with all these politicians whizzing in and out of Broome, then you are not alone. Colin Barnett, Brendon Grylls and now Martin Ferguson. Their mission: To sell to Broome a Pilbara class industrial precinct. Their combined knowledge of the Kimberley matches their combined stay time in Broome, which amounts […]


Need we say more? © 2009 Ron Hartvigsen

Traditional owners left out of negotiations

Traditional owners of Kimberley land, selected for a gas hub, say they have been left out of negotiations facilitated by the Federal Government. The Djabera Djabera people of Beagle Bay are locked in a long-running native title claim for land that includes the site at James Price Point. The site has been selected by the […]